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PostPosted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 5:46 pm 
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Confidential Letter from WatchTower.
Super Secret, that`s why I have it...DumbAsses...LOL!!


JW`s never make a move with out WBT$ Approval.
The Genius`s at Watchtower could have gotten this information out, before 20,000 JW`s took a Dirt Nap.

The good news is, if you`re vaccinated.
You`ll have greater opportunities to:
Support spiritual activities / Provide WatchTower with Free Labour and Donate Lots of Money!!
Your Average JW is going to Love That!

Let`s Build a New Kingdom Hall...
.....So WatchTower Can Sell It!!


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 10:33 am 
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This is SO timely (THANK you and peace to you, dear Sher'f!).

My employer is requiring either proof of vaccination OR testing twice a week. One of my team is married to a JW and has refused vaccination thus far. When I asked him if his wife was going to be vaccinated, he said, "Oh, NO -SHE's a Jehovah's Witness!" When I said JWs aren't against vaccination, he disagreed. And therefore, because of his wife, HE won't be vaccinated, either.

I can't WAIT to show him this!!!!

But I am flummoxed that since almost 20,000 JWs have already died and more than 17,000"Bethel family members" have been vaccinated, why the hush-hush? Why aren't they encouraging ALL JWs to get vaccinated?? What, regular Publishers are immune to COVID? Yet, how many of the almost 20,000 were Regular Publishers (or Pioneers, whatever, but not Bethelites or Special Pioneers, etc.)?

Sigh. Ah, well...

THANK you (and peace to you) again, dear Sher'f!

YSFS of Christ,


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:35 am 
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Hey Shelby!
I can't WAIT to show him this!!!!

A non JW with a Top Secret WBT$ confidential letter.
No regular JW is supposed to see.
Wonder what his Mrs. will think...LOL!!
But I am flummoxed that since almost 20,000 JWs have already died and more than 17,000"Bethel family members" have been vaccinated, why the hush-hush? Why aren't they encouraging ALL JWs to get vaccinated?? What, regular Publishers are immune to COVID? Yet, how many of the almost 20,000 were Regular Publishers (or Pioneers, whatever, but not Bethelites or Special Pioneers, etc.)?

When has Watchtower Logic ever made sense, only the Privileged JW`s get to see that letter?
There will be more JW Deaths thanks to the incompetency of WatchTower Leaders / Clowns.
The WatchTower JW Cult is always looking for "More Clowns" to help run the place.


More Clowns, More Clowns...


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 2:59 pm 
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Yeah, I don't get the 'hush hush' either (peace to you both!)

Here are all the benefits and reasons we prefer the bethel people to get vaccinated... but don't tell anyone else?


Peace again!

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 3:21 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:07 pm
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Agreed to all shared! And peace to you all!

The numbers of death should say it all! Craziness!

But on that note that your coworker Shel (peace to you) said JWs don’t believe in vaccines so they both have declined?…,,

Outlaw, didn’t you share on here somewhere that JWs opened up a Kingdom Hall parking lot ( not sure) to administer vaccines to anyone???
That should show they’re pro vaccine.

Peace always,

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:01 pm 
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Outlaw, didn’t you share on here somewhere that JWs opened up a Kingdom Hall parking lot ( not sure) to administer vaccines to anyone???
That should show they’re pro vaccine.....JM

I believe I did...


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:28 pm 
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Watchtower Hypocrisy Pt I -
Jehovah Witness Kingdom Hall "Vaccination Clinic"

To watch the video...
Click the Link Below:


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:41 pm 
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While there has been some discomfort in religious circles, the majority have been at the forefront of being vaccinated, setting an example for their congregations. For example, prior to the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in Malawi, Jehovah’s Witness was the first independent Christian denomination in Malawi to endorse the vaccine.

Minister of Health, Khumbize Chiponda described the endorsement as an important milestone, especially considering some of the rules around medical and surgical care, in particular blood transfusions, amongst Jehovah’s Witnesses.

To read the entire article...
Click the Link Below:


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PostPosted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 5:21 pm 
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From Watchtowers own Website...
Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Opposed to Vaccination?

No. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not opposed to vaccination. We view vaccination as a personal decision for each Christian to make. Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses choose to get vaccinated.

We seek quality medical care and appreciate the many advancements of medical science to reduce the risk of serious illness. We are grateful for the commitment and dedication of health-care professionals, especially in times of crises.

Jehovah’s Witnesses cooperate with public health officials. For example, since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, Jehovah’s Witnesses have continued to publish reminders in hundreds of languages on this website, encouraging adherence to local safety guidelines. These include the importance of physical distancing and of following regulations on public gatherings, quarantining, hand washing, and the wearing of face coverings as well as other practical measures required or recommended by the authorities.—Romans 13:1, 2.

For decades, the publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses have emphasized the following principles:

Health-care decisions are a personal matter.—Galatians 6:5.

“[This magazine] does not recommend any one type of medicine or therapy over another and does not offer medical advice. Its aim is simply to present facts and to leave it to the reader to make judgments and decisions.”—Awake!, February 8, 1987.

“The question as to whether you and your children should be vaccinated is something for personal decision.”—Awake!, August 22, 1965.

We seek medical treatment because we place a high value on life.—Acts 17:28.

“Witnesses avail themselves of the various medical skills to assist them with their health problems. They love life and want to do whatever is reasonable and Scriptural to prolong it.”—The Watchtower, July 1, 1975.

“Jehovah’s Witnesses gladly accept medicine and medical treatment. They want to maintain good health and to prolong life. In fact, like the first-century Christian Luke, some of Jehovah’s Witnesses are physicians. . . . Jehovah’s Witnesses certainly appreciate the hard work and dedication of those who provide medical care. They are also grateful for the welcome relief from illness that those individuals provide.”—The Watchtower, February 1, 2011.

Watchtower is Good with Vaccinations.
They wrote an article about it!
The WBT$ is opening JW Kingdom Hall parking lots for Covid Vaccination Clinic`s.
Malawi`s Minister of Health "Khumbize Chiponda" is aware of WatchTower`s covid vaccine endorsement.
WatchTower doesn`t want any Unauthorized JW`s to know about it.
It`s confidential!..."TOP SECRET"

A message for the...
WBT$ Governing Body.



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 9:23 am 
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Well, I emailed it to him (peace to you, dear She'f!) and his response was:

"Thank you but we still not gonna do it. Personal choice they still said to Liza"

Liza is the JW wife. I hope to JaH and Christ none of them get sick. SHE works in the hospital. SHE has a mom with Stage 4 cancer whom she regularly visits. HE is just afraid (of almost everything, as a lot of black people are - and so, a black man with a JW wife? Terror!! LOLOL!).

SMH. Ah, well. Lead a horse to water and all that.

Peace to you all (and to you dear Tams and dear 'Mom!) and to your dear households!

Your servant, sister, and slave of Christ,


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:15 pm 
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"Thank you but we still not gonna do it. Personal choice they still said to Liza"

Personal Choice in USA, WBT$ Full Endorsement in Malawi.
Whats in it for the WBT$ in Malawi?
Theres a reward in it for them somewhere.
SHE works in the hospital.

Vaccines are going to be mandated for people working in hospitals very soon
Does she like, her job, a place to live, eating?
The outside world will force her to make the responsible choice.
Or not...

We get Paid Nothing and Live Under a Bridge!
..........................Thanks WatchTower!!



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:32 pm 
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Vaccines are going to be mandated for people working in hospitals very soon.

Probably not in California, dear Sher'f (peace to you, luv!), at least not any time soon. For one, Newsome is up to be recalled based on his early handling of things and if he mandates vaccines (for ANYONE), he'll probably get canned. For two... unions. A LOT of union workers are among those not getting vaccinated.

Also, there is the 1st Amendment and while the WTBTS is (no longer) against vaccinations, they are saying it is a personal choice (and so one can choose per their conscience - sigh).

Finally, there are those who, for medical reasons, can't be vaccinated (I was such a one as a child and still haven't had any of the childhood vaccines except chicken pox after I contracted shingles more than 2 decades ago).

Now, the feds CAN threaten to withhold funding from medical-related companies if their employees don't get vaccinated... and I think that's occurring now (i.e., an employer of such many people must have at least such percentage of employees vaccinated by such a date, etc.). Because my company has a mandate that EVERYONE MUST be vaccinated by August 23, 2021, and upload proof of it (or give them access to your medical records (just the vaccinations part, though) - cheah, right... no; I'll upload a copy of my CDC card, if you please), OR sign a declination (for medical or religious reasons), in which case they must take a COVID test twice a week every week until the pandemic is finally over.

Times are not only a-changin' but have changed (though, this does feel a little like when I was in elementary school and everyone was lined up for small pox, MMR, DPT, etc., shots).

We shall see, dear Sher'f, we shall see.

Peace to you!

YSFS of Christ,


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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:52 pm 
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Also, there is the 1st Amendment and while the WTBTS is (no longer) against vaccinations, they are saying it is a personal choice (and so one can choose per their conscience - sigh).

A lot of things in WatchTower World are a "personal choice".
That personal choice may or may not get you punished by the WBT$.
Most JW`s won`t take that chance, until that choice has 100% WBT$ Approval / Endoresment.
Now, the feds CAN threaten to withhold funding from medical-related companies if their employees don't get vaccinated... and I think that's occurring now (i.e., an employer of such many people must have at least such percentage of employees vaccinated by such a date, etc.).

At some point I believe that`s how Vaccinations will be mandated.
Get a vaccine or be excluded from everywhere.
Your choice...


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 3:28 pm 
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Well, personally, I do hope they come up with a vaccine passport (peace to you, dear Sher'f!) because I like to travel and having everything in one location would just make things easier.

I get it that some are concerned about that... but "they" were concerned when SSNs came out, when credit cards came out, when ATM cards came out, etc. Always "the government is watching/following" 1984 Big Brother fears. Yet, everyone owns a cell phone... almost all of which have built-in GPS and ALL of which can be tracked to a greater or lesser degree through the cell phone towers.

I am not afraid of change or of the future. And while I don't know what the future will bring prior to the tribulation and return of the Christ, as a descendant of slaves, child of descendants of slaves who were born during the Great Depression, and both they and I born in and living during the Jim Crow South, I think that with Christ's guidance, I can handle whatever comes. Even if I don't live through it.

What I CAN'T do is live in fear, with paranoia, and always looking for some conspiracy by the government, et al. Takes far too much mental energy, emotional investment, physical effort... as well as a lack of faith. The governments are going to do whatever they're going to do and so long as JaH allows it, well...

So, worry? Be anxious? About COVID, vaccines, conspiracies? Can't do it. WON'T do it. Life is already way too short.

Peace... as Christ gives it... to you, dear Sher'f, and to you all!

Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2021 4:33 pm 
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So, worry? Be anxious? About COVID, vaccines, conspiracies? Can't do it. WON'T do it. Life is already way too short.

LOL!! That`s some peoples entire life 24/7!
Try to get them to Shut Up...
Nope, never going to happen.



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