Vaccines are going to be mandated for people working in hospitals very soon.
Probably not in California, dear Sher'f (peace to you, luv!), at least not any time soon. For one, Newsome is up to be recalled based on his early handling of things and if he
mandates vaccines (for ANYONE), he'll probably get canned. For two... unions. A LOT of union workers are among those not getting vaccinated.
Also, there is the 1st Amendment and while the WTBTS is (no longer) against vaccinations, they are saying it is a personal choice (and so one can choose per their conscience - sigh).
Finally, there are those who, for medical reasons, can't be vaccinated (I was such a one as a child and still haven't had any of the childhood vaccines except chicken pox after I contracted shingles more than 2 decades ago).
Now, the feds CAN threaten to withhold funding from medical-related companies if their employees don't get vaccinated... and I think that's occurring now (i.e., an employer of such many people must have at least such percentage of employees vaccinated by such a date, etc.). Because my company has a mandate that EVERYONE MUST be vaccinated by August 23, 2021, and upload proof of it (or give them access to your medical records (just the vaccinations part, though) - cheah, right... no; I'll upload a copy of my CDC card, if you please), OR sign a declination (for medical or religious reasons), in which case they must take a COVID test
twice a week
every week until the pandemic is finally over.
Times are not only a-changin' but have changed (though, this does feel a little like when I was in elementary school and everyone was lined up for small pox, MMR, DPT, etc., shots).
We shall see, dear Sher'f, we shall see.
Peace to you!
YSFS of Christ,