I`ve seen this on a Few Forums but none of the posts made it clear what it was...
This One Did...
Has anyone else caught this tidbit in the new S-395 instructions?:
"If the individual is not an apostate or actively promoting wrongdoing, they will also inform him that they would like to meet with him again in three months to determine if he has had a change of heart. In some cases, but not all, the committee may determine that there is basis for reinstating the individual at that time"
This is found under the heading: WHAT IF A WRONGDOER DOES NOT RESPOND TO THE COMMITTEE'S EFFORTS TO RENDER SPIRITUAL ASSISTANCE? Subsection 15: "Remove the wicked man from among your
Think of ALL the JW`s who Waited Years to be Re-Enstated...There are going to be some Angry JW`s.
This isn`t the end of all these changes...I`m hearing More are Coming...
We Are Watching
Old WBT$ JW Rules and Beliefs Being Demolished....One by One...