This is a Video of WBT$ GB Pope "Geoffrey Jackson" Testifying / Lying to the Australian Royal Commission.
Rank and File JW`s are Expected to Defend their Beliefs to the Death.....To The Death!
I expected Jackson`s answers to be some sort of Twisted WBT$ Logic.
NOPE!....He just flat out lied or tried to mislead the commission...LOL!!
The person asking the questions, caught him every time.
Why would a Leader of the Watchtower Deny His Beliefs?.....
His life is in No Danger, No Harm will come to him if He Answers Truthfully.
Is he "Ashamed" of how he Runs the JW Cult?
The link I`m providing seems to start out 28:55 minutes into the questioning.
So please push the time back and start at the beginning.
To Watch the Video.
Click the Link Below: