I found this over on Reddit.
No doubt the WBT$ will have a different story to tell.
I've been to the train station in Wroclaw and I've seen how JWs are helping refugees
They don't.
I had a business trip to Wroclaw. It's rather far from the border, but it's a big transportation hub.
There were many Polish soldiers (unarmed) and actual volunteers there. They were all helping Ukrainian refugees by giving water, food, helping receive free train tickets, plan their route or find shelter. Most volunteer had an "interpreter" badge on their vests and were actively approaching people. Even at 2:00 am there were quite a number of arriving people there, so the soldiers and volunteer were always having a lot of work.
JWs stood right behind soldiers at the very centre of the train station. There were 4 people there, all with JW.borg signs. There were not helping refugees at all, just standing there and presenting themselves to the public.
I approached them and asked what they were doing.
— We are helping Ukrainian refugees!
— But how? You are just standing there.
— We are looking for our brothers and sisters.
— Shouldn't you be helping anyone? Look (pointing at Polish soldiers), those guys are doing exactly that.
— Oh no, we are helping everyone! (lying).
— I don't see that. But I see you showing this banner (JW.borg). Why not just write "Help for refugees" instead?
— We also need to present ourselves.
— I'm sorry? (I was a bit shocked).
— We need to present ourselves to provide help!
— Wait, are you showing yourself or providing help?
— Showing ourselves to provide help!
Not a single person approached them during the time of about half an hour while I was waiting for the train.
Now even a more ridiculous part, once the train arrived, two of them ascended to the platform and started walking back and forth, holding the JW.borg sign as a banner. They were trying to make people see it from the train windows.
Overall, it looked like this:
No one was approaching JWs.
All of the arriving refugees were receiving help from the soldiers and volunteers.
JWs were trying really hard to make everyone see their cult banner.
This isn't helping, this is "service". I bet they all were counting their hours.
For the record, JWs didn't have any food, water or anything useful at all, except of the JW.org signs - all of them.
I can believe the report.
We`ve seen pictures of exactly that before.
JW`s pretending to be of Service, when the picture tells a different story.