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Author:  JustJoe [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Connections

I don't really know how to describe this, but I've heard of it happening, and it happened to me today.

My wife's aunt died of cancer this morning. She lived on the east coast of the United States. I live on the west coast. There's a three hour time difference. I was awake at 4:30am this morning. While awake, I had this sudden thought that my wife's aunt died. It was an odd thought because I've only ever met my wife's aunt two times. I never think about her. But this morning I did, and the only thought was that she died. Somehow, I knew it. I dismissed the thought, though.

I got a phone call from my mother-in-law around 11am telling me that my wife's aunt died. She was found dead at 7:30am east coast time (which is 4:30am west coast time).

Like I said, I've heard of this happening, when people are somehow connected to know what happens to one another. My wife, for example, knew when her brother died before she was told How in the world did I know when my wife's aunt died, even though my connection to her was minimal, at best?

It's strange, and I'm kinda freaked out about it.

My wife's aunt was a wonderful person, as far as I could tell. Not a JW. A physically attractive woman, and just someone who was optimistic about everything. Even her own situation of having cancer wouldn't outwardly take her down. My wife and I knew when she visited last summer that it was a "goodbye tour". But it was nice. She was nice. Her husband is nice. The world lost a genuinely nice person today.

Author:  Justmom [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connections

Dearest LQ,

I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. My condolences to you all.

In our dreams or during the night we are less distracted from our daily routine and life's anxieties. It is then that our Lord can speak to us and we can hear clearly without the clutter of the days activities.

I believe that for some reason you were being told. Even if the only reason was to bolster your faith in your hearing because he knows you struggle with it. That you are not sure if and when it is Him. This was a clear definite awakening with a clear definite outcome.

I do not know if there is anything else going on as to why, but I believe one thing is you " heard clearly"
This particular thing at 4:30 am.

Again so sorry for your loss. The sting of death is always so hurtful regardless of the reasons.

May Jah comfort you and your family at this time.
Love your sister in Christ, Kim

Author:  tec [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connections

I am also sorry about your loss, leaving.

I agree with Justmom. You heard from out Lord that she had died. I think to prepare you for when a family member called to give you the sad news. At least that is what I heard after I wondered why you would have been told sooner than that. (not taking anything away from what Justmom put forth)

May you and your wife, and loved ones, be granted peace during this time,
your sister and servant, and fellow slave of Christ,

Author:  JustJoe [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connections

Interesting... I hardly knew my wife's aunt. I only visited with her twice over the past 20 years. Apparently, though, no one in the family was quite prepared. My wife and I were prepared. We figured her last visit out to the west coast of the US a few months back was a 'goodbye visit'. But, apparently the rest of the family wasn't quite so prepared, so everyone is a bit shocked today.

My wife told me tonight that she too had a strange feeling around the same time I did, a feeling that something bad happened to someone she knew. It wasn't quite as precise as my experience. She had that feeling before when another close family member died a few years back. This was a first for me, though.

Well, now to go comfort the family... it's been a rough week.

Author:  AGuest [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Connections

My household, too, sends condolences to your's, dear LQ (peace to you, dear one!). As for your experience... perhaps you were "told" (and I am in agreement with both dear 'Mom and dear Tec... that it was our Lord who "spoke" to you... by means of spirit)... because your wife's aunt... is Israel. By that, I mean Abraham's seed, in truth. Which means... your dear wife is Israel... which makes total sense, at least to me.

You see, it is the BLOOD... that speaks. IF your wife is truly of Abraham's seed... her aunt would be, as well. And, if YOU are, as well... and that you ARE is why you "feel" the yearnings to KNOW JAH and Christ as you DO... then you share the same BLOOD. As your wife... and as her aunt. So that when her spirit left THIS world, you may well have felt it. Why? Because the spirit... IS IN THE BLOOD. Because of your being closer to a union with Christ than your dear wife, however, YOU may have even heard WHO it was... while SHE may not have.

I know, I know... "hocus-pocus, Shel." Don't be too sure, dear one. The blood does indeed speak. To doctors and scientists, it speaks by means of codes that are translated through certain tests. Those translations, however, are always... ALWAYS... in NUMBERS, are they not? And I have share with you that (1) numbers don't lie... and (2) the PURE language that is TRUTH... is basically spoken... in (some form of) numbers. Equations that far, far exceed our knowledge.

Bottom line: don't stress it. Your dear wife's aunt wouldn't want that. And to help YOU in your consoling your loved ones, it might help to remember that ALL Israel... WILL... be saved. That includes, dear one, that dear aunt. Maybe not as a king/priest (with you?)... but certainly as part of our dear Lord's kingdom.

So, yes, "be there" for your loved ones as they mourn... but life YOUR head and rejoice, KNOWING (which requires faith, does it not?) that dear aunt is not lost forever. She is merely sleeping... she being the "person" that resided in the VESSEL that could continue no longer... until the time when she is awakened.

So, you can feel absolutely free... and truthful... when you tell dear Wife that yes, dear Aunt WILL enjoy a resurrection. Indeed, this may be a good time to share with wife what you have learned about that: how many resurrections there are, who participate in which one... and why.

Peace to you... and to your dear household.

YSSFS of Christ,


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