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PostPosted: Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:23 pm 
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May you have peace!

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Why? Because my dear Lord Jaheshua (the Truth, the Holy One and Holy Spirit of JAH) has said:

For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

He speaks the truth (and is Himself THE Truth). If you are seeking Him (truly), dear ones, if you are knocking, then keep seeking and keep knocking. The door will be opened.

May anyone who wishes them be given ears to hear, so as to hear the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU, "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty, "Come! Take the free gift of the water of Life!"

(which water is holy spirit, poured out from my dear Lord Jaheshua, the Chosen One of JAH)

Peace again to you, and to you all, and to your households,
your servant and sister and a fellow slave of Christ,

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 12:24 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:07 pm
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Good morning my sister and peace to you and your household as well,

Thank you for this reminder as to our Lord JAHeshua. If it truly IS Him as The Truth we are seeking, then The Door that He is as well ( the way to the father) will be opened and they will make their abode IN us.

And I share with you and lift my voice and palms in praise with yours in the invitation;

May anyone who wishes them be given ears to hear, so as to hear the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU, "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty, "Come! Take the free gift of the water of Life!

May ALL glory honor and praise be to JAH our Father and to His Son our Lord and savior JAHeshua MischaJAH. May their will be done always! And may their peace prevail. Not the peace of this world and what it may claim to produce.

Love your sister fellow servant and slave of them,

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 10:07 am 
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May anyone who wishes them be given ears to hear, so as to hear the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU, "Come!" Let the one who is thirsty, "Come! Take the free gift of the water of Life!"

(which water is holy spirit, poured out from my dear Lord Jaheshua, the Chosen One of JAH)

Thank you for that, dear, dear Tams (the greatest of love and peace to you, dear sister, and to your household!).

And may such ones, once hearing... OBEY and DO that which the Spirit (which Spirit is our dear Lord and Master, JaH'eShua, the Son of God, the Father)... SAYS:


Matthew 11:29, 30
John 4:10, 14; 7:37-39; 14:23
Revelation 3:17, 18; 22:17

Silence, dear ones... is not a demonstration of obedience. It is a demonstration of fear. What, though, has one joined to Christ to fear? A bit of humiliation perhaps but nothing more. And yet, "he that humbles himself..."

Peace to you all and to your dear, dear households!

Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:14 am 
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Good Morning everyone from way up north where it is still VERY COLD. It has been a long winter here and I have been literally hibernating and not communicating. I have felt like giving up some days as life is not getting better for me.

But I see that compared to what is happening lately especially in the last 2 months in the world my problems are minimal. The world is in a very obvious CRAZY MESS. Every time I hear about yet another disaster or threat the first thing that comes to my mind is we need Our Lord Christ, he is the only one that can save us.

It has become more evident than ever that the only answer to all our woes worldwide no matter who we are is that we need a leader who loves us and who can rule us perfectly. Mankind cannot do it for sure. We need Christ and soon. The world is in a total mess and getting worse by the day. People are rioting and protesting and our freedom is being diminished by threat of disease, terrorism and so many other things. People are in so much Fear and no wonder. Even the stock market is in jeopardy which to all the greedy people is the worst thing ever and all the people who propose to lead us or are leading us are showing their true colours. They are selfish and greedy and power hungry but do not have the least interest in doing good for the people. Even these leaders cannot stop viruses, disease, fires, flooding, hurricanes and bad weather, sometimes they even want them to happen so they can have a platform for their agendas. No one can save us but Our Lord Christ and Jah.

Love and peace from Zoe

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 10:45 am 

Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:07 pm
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Good Morning to you from way up north where it is still VERY COLD Lol.

Peace to you dear sister,

I can definitely agree with you as to this. We need a leader who can lead us perfectly in love, mercy, wisdom, compassion and Truth.

And dear Zoe, WE HAVE ONE!

JAHeshua our Lord and Christ. He IS leading us now if we allow him to through this darkness into His light, illuminating our steps in this world. By listening to and obeying what he tells us and to follow his lead. Faith and obedience to His voice. But we have to believe he is truly alive, speaks and is with us. We have his reassurance when he told his disciples/ us “ I am with you until the end.” MATTHEW 28:20.
That His sheep would hear and follow His voice. JOHN10

Knowing these things you mention as to the way of the world with man leading us, should make it a bit easier to want to follow our Lords lead. But nothing has changed since the beginning.

Man wants to direct his own step until some reach a point that it is so bad they cry out to be saved from it. Just to repeat the same course.

Which is why The Spirit which is JAHeshua and the bride continue with this invitation;

Anyone who wishes be given ears to hear the Spirit and bride say, Come! Take Lifes water FREE!

It is JAHeshua and His spirit that is true living water that we have the invitation to drink from. So as never to be thirsting again. To be given those ears to hear him directly and to lead us through this dark world. That despite what is happening around us knowing we are no part of it, he is WITH US every step of the way.

I hope today finds you ALL well, and may JAH and His Son JAHeshua grant you all and your households their peace and mercy for all eternity,

Your sister fellow servant and slave of Christ,

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 1:02 pm 
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Keep seeking... keep knocking...


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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 6:48 pm 
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I have to agree with dear Kim, dear Zoe (peace to you, both!). I can see where it might SEEM that things are worse but I guarantee you there are people in our past who would argue with you. As the descendant of slaves and having personally experienced Jim Crow, etc., I would argue with you. I totally understand how things may be quite difficult for you and you (and your dear household) are always in my prayers. There are people who indeed have it way better... and those who have it way worse. And diseases come and go, cures are found, governments come and go, some good, some not so much, stock markets rise and fall... even crash... and... and... and... babies are dying in Rwanda.

Even IF the world got "better" that wouldn't be enough. For we would still get sick. And if we didn't get sick, we would get older. And, either way, we WOULD die, eventually. Man might find some means to help us live longer (although, given the age of men from Ad'Ham to Moses, doesn't seem like that's happening), but death would ultimately still be the end. And, if it DID get "better" I'm not sure that a reason to rejoice... but a reason to look UP. Because there's that whole "and when they are saying peace and security...". So, I think it's going to get better, has to. Well, the illusion of "better."

As I think dear Kimmie is trying to share, is that, as you've stated, no man can bring to a place where there is NO hunger, NO war, NO corruption, NO sickness... NO death. And I can say that with ALL confidence. Because regardless of how many "good" people there are, there will ALWAYS be those who oppress, lord it over, and take advantage of those they consider "weaker" than themselves. And particularly not those they believe are physically weaker, but those they believe are MENTALLY weaker... because they are not fighters, not aggressive, not retaliators, etc. Those who believe these to be weaker believer it is their LOT in life to rule over... if not RUN over... such ones. They believe that if someone doesn't have the conviction to fight then they are not "worthy" of anything more than disdain, even culling. And I get it. Many humans are really no more than animals, truth be told. And even more care less about others than they do for their own (survival). Skin in behalf of skin.

So, even if they conquered global warming... I mean, I live in California and the air here now is WAY cleaner than it was when I was a child (the smog used to be SO thick, the sky was always brown!). And we don't have blatant slavery, no (although, human trafficking is rampant). And we don't have to fight many old time diseases (polio, small pox, measles, diptheria, scarlett fever, black plague, etc.) these days, at least not as we used to. And today, we can much more quickly respond to pandemic illnesses than ever before. Yay, for "us"!

But even if we cure ALL of that... again, there are going to be those who will take what they want, even if they have to kill hundreds. Thousands. Millions. That is their way... and their kind.

So, how then? Only one Way... and you know who he is and HOW he is. Is he delaying? NO!!!!! Not at ALL! He is on the Father's time table, not ours. And the Father does not want ANY to die. Not ONE. But even so, if we do while waiting for our dear Lord to return... so what? There is a resurrection! He PROVED it. So, WE know that, sure, we might have to fall asleep (in death), but we won't STAY asleep; however, we can crave the Master's return (and even more, the Day of JaH) and the put down of all evil... including evil people... but about the "wheat"? What if, in our own desperation, we hastily ask IN OUR HEARTS... and some "wheat" get pulled up with the chaff? What... if the "delay" is for one of our own, our grandchild(ren) or even great-grandchild(ren) who have not yet come INTO this world?

Bottom line: don't LOOK at the world, my dear sister. Do NOT. That's what Lot's wife did, whether it was longing and yearning for the city behind her... or even marveling at its destruction. Keep YOUR eye on the Copper Serpent that is our Lord. Look at HIM... and do not take your eyes off HIM... and you won't "see" so much as to this world. Any more than he saw all that was happening around him during his day (and it was pretty bad, what with the Roman occupation and Jews rebelling and all). Look at him... look TO him... and see Him.

If you do that, I promise you: your eyes... and your heart... won't "talk" so loudly. What you "see" as to the world won't override your HOPE... nor your FAITH. He has not left us orphaned or bereaved. As dear Kimmie restated, he SAID:

"Look! I... AM... WITH... YOU. ALL THE DAYS... until the end of the era."

All we need to ask ourselves is whether we TRULY believe that. If we DO... then we KNOW the world is passing away! Yes? And so is its desires. Yes?!

Life your eyes "UP"... and see... from where your... our... salvation comes. Stop looking at the world. There's no benefit in it. Only death (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14, 15).

You are NOT alone. Even if every other human on the planet were outside your reach... you... are... NOT... alone. You can know this... because he PROMISED this. And I can say, with certainty, that EVERY promise he has made to ME has proven true. Including this one.

If you need to (and it seems that you do), ask for "long suffering" (aka patience or forebearance). And if you TRULY want it, you WILL receive it. Just as he has promised (Luke 11:13; Galatians 5:22).

Again, peace to you and to your dear household!

Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


P.S. Verrrrry cute, dear Sher'ff (peace to you, luvee, and you know I love pups, so thanks for that - LOLOL!!).

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 7:44 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:07 pm
Posts: 2463
Peace to you all,

Yes dear Shel, thank you for the lovely sharing and peace to you my sister. All that you shared, so true!

I loved this:

Life your eyes "UP"... and see... from where your... our... salvation comes. Stop looking at the world. There's no benefit in it. Only death (Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14, 15).

Keep our eyes and ears toward Him, our Lord and copper serpent.

Thank you again everyone and thank you dear sheriff for hanging in with us and all your smiles you give us.

May ALL glory honor and praise go to JAH our Father and to His Son our Lord JAHeshua MischaJAH.

Your sister servant and slave of Christ,

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 8:47 am 
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Joined: Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:12 pm
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Good Morning
It is a sunny cold morning here in Ontario Canada, its supposed to go up to 37 degrees today WOW!!

Thank you so much Just Mom and Shelby for your comments, they were very helpful and insightful. Its amazing how perspectives can be so different from one person to another and how helpful it is to listen to others way of seeing things or knowing things you do not know.

It is so true that things have been worse before and then calmed down and then got terrible again. it just depends when and where you are in the scheme of things. So no matter when or where we are the main thing is to keep our eyes and hopes on our Lord Christ. Thank you so much very wise encouragement and advice as quoted again below.

Bottom line: don't LOOK at the world, my dear sister. Do NOT. That's what Lot's wife did, whether it was longing and yearning for the city behind her... or even marveling at its destruction. Keep YOUR eye on the Copper Serpent that is our Lord. Look at HIM... and do not take your eyes off HIM... and you won't "see" so much as to this world. Any more than he saw all that was happening around him during his day (and it was pretty bad, what with the Roman occupation and Jews rebelling and all). Look at him... look TO him... and see Him.

If you do that, I promise you: your eyes... and your heart... won't "talk" so loudly. What you "see" as to the world won't override your HOPE... nor your FAITH. He has not left us orphaned or bereaved. As dear Kimmie restated, he SAID:

"Look! I... AM... WITH... YOU. ALL THE DAYS... until the end of the era."

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:17 am 
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ALL thanks and praise to the Father AND to our dear Lord, the Amen... to time indefinite!

SO glad what I was given to share resounded with you, dear, dear Zoe. Keep your eyes on... and your ears toward... the Master (John 3:14, 15).

The greatest of love and peace to you and to your dear household (and to yours, as well, dear Kimmie!).

Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 12:49 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:07 pm
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AGuest wrote:
ALL thanks and praise to the Father AND to our dear Lord, the Amen... to time indefinite!

SO glad what I was given to share resounded with you, dear, dear Zoe. Keep your eyes on... and your ears toward... the Master (John 3:14, 15).

The greatest of love and peace to you and to your dear household (and to yours, as well, dear Kimmie!).

Your servant, sister, and a slave of Christ,


I second that!

Love and peace to you and your households as well dear Zoe and Shel.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:31 pm 
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Joined: Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:19 am
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Peace and love to you all!

I love this exchange (and yes, Outlaw, cute, lol). I have nothing to add to what has been shared - except to say yes, what a great reminder to NOT be looking at the world, but to keep our eyes upon and toward our Lord, Jaheshua, always.

Praise JAH and His Son Jaheshua!

Love and peace to you all, and to your dear households,
your sister and servant and a fellow slave of Christ,

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