
...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...
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Author:  Justmom [ Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

Loz wrote:
Sent the link to my (elder) son who's still very much trapped inside. We can only hope...

Loz x

Yes dear Loz! Hope....and Pray my sister. Peace to you and your household always, hope you are well.

Your sister and fellow slave of Jaheshua, Kim

Author:  Loz [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

Well, that turned out to be a big decider! Received an offended email from JW son saying that following my sending him the link, our very limited contact is now untenable. He says I have broken his trust? He has now blocked email contact.

Well, based on what he's given me to understand recently there can only be contact in extreme emergency situations anyway, so I don't suppose we're missing much. But I'm saddened that sending the link and asking him what he thought of it has resulted in highlighting his absolute loyalty to the org.

Oh well...

Loz x

Author:  ataloa [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

Sorry to hear that, Loz. If there was an understanding that the watchtower wouldn't be talked about, I can understand how he feels, because I would have been the same way. But some day he will look back and know you tried to help him because you care. May the Lord grant you peace and comfort.

Author:  Justmom [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

ataloa wrote:
Sorry to hear that, Loz. If there was an understanding that the watchtower wouldn't be talked about, I can understand how he feels, because I would have been the same way. But some day he will look back and know you tried to help him because you care. May the Lord grant you peace and comfort.

Yes dear Loz, as dear At mentioned ( peace sister) he will one day know it is because of your love for Christ therefore your love for your son that you shared what you did!

Now is where our prayers are so important. The sweet smelling incense they are to Jah and Jaheshua so that mercy and love is extended to our households because of our faith.

I have not heard anything from any I sent to. But I usually don't anymore. There hasnt been any contact in a long time.

May our Lord continue to give you his peace and comfort my sister, your fellow servant of Christ, Kim

Author:  tec [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

I am sorry too, Loz. But let it sink in. Let him mull on it. You do not know what seed might be planted. Even if it just sits there as a nagging doubt that he might not be able to always ignore. And as the others have said, he will one day look back and see that you loved him enough to try and help him. That you never gave up on him.

May our Lord comfort you and give you peace,
your sister and servant, and fellow slave of our dear Lord Jaheshua,

Author:  Loz [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

There was no agreement that the WT wouldn't be discussed but he evidently presumed that. I looked back at previous emails in which he appreciated me maintaining my distance over the years since my Df.

So basically unless I'm dying I shouldn't make contact. You are right though sisters it was my love for him that prompted my email, I would love to see him break free for his own sake. Maybe a seed will be sown, I will pray about it for sure.

Peace with thanks to you all

Loz x

Author:  AGuest [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

The thing is, dear Loz and 'Mom (peace to you, both!)... you did what YOU should done. Tried to sound a warning. We cannot be concerned as to whether folks listen ("whether they hear or refrain")... even if it's our own flesh. Concern would mean doubt... not faith. And the PROMISE... is for us... AND our children. And, possibly for out entire household, EVEN when such has shown themselves to be our enemy (think Joseph and how his brothers brothers treated him, yet were saved from starvation... think our dear Lord, how HIS brothers, the Jews, treated HIM... and yet, "ALL Israel will be saved," etc.).

Remember, "Faith is the ASSURED expectation of the thing hoped for...". What is the "hope", here? That our loved ones listen to us? Maybe. But the BETTER hope is that they listen to Christ. The BEST hope, though, is that WE don't doubt... EVER... but ALWAYS have faith in JAH and Christ that the PROMISE... WILL be fulfilled.

Point being: it is not necessarily about folks accepting us or what we [try to] share with them. It's about OUR obedience to the of LOVE... which love should PROMPT us to [try to] warn others... ESPECIALLY those we claim to LOVE... out of OBEDIENCE... TO that Law [of love].

Obedience that doesn't let us put our personal comfort ("Oh, what's the use - s/he's not gonna listen anyway; s/he doesn't want to hear from me, so why bother, why put myself through the discomfort??")... over DOING what FAITH... REQUIRES.

We must EXERCISE our faith, yes? If, though, we find "reasons" to NOT obey... particularly as to those we [claim to] LOVE... what does that say about our FAITH?

In addition to our LOVE for these, and more importantly JAH and Christ, we owe a debt, dear ones, to the One Who gave HIS life... so that WE... AND our children... and ALL those we live... will live. And so it is for that reason that we tell folks the truth... about him, about JAH, about false prophets and false "christs."

I know you dear sisters know this, so I'm not addressing you, per se, put expounding on this for those who visit and might say, "Why do they bother? If folks don't want it, why not leave them alone? Aren't you being just like Jehovahs Witnesses?"

To that, I would respond that if one is taking it PERSONAL that the attempt to warn is not received, perhaps even to the point of speaking I'll of those who reject the attempt ("Nothing more than goats who're gonna die 'at Armageddon'!")... then, yes - absolutely no difference and such one is fooling himself/herself and hypocritically judging. In which case, they should keep an eye that THEY are not so judged... to reap that same judgment and destruction.

On the other hand, if their attempt is truly out of love, love that says "I will NOT stop trying to warn this person just in case they one say DO listen so as to be saved [from calamity]... and do it in LOVE... WITHOUT judging or deciding on/envisioning/HOPING for a "terrible" outcome for the person... then no, it is NOT just like Jehovahs Witnesses.

No can come to the Father without going through the Son. And no one can get to the Son... unless the FATHER... DRAWS them. Jehovahs Witnesses forget this. They forget... because they are blind and that blindness has allowed them to misled by the WTBTS to believe IT is the "Way" to God, IT is the "truth," and IT grants life.

All lies, of course. But the direction from OUR dear Lord, the HOLY One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJAH) is:

"All that they SAY... DO. But do not DO... AS they do." Matthew 23:3

AND they do say to sound a warning, especially to those we love. They just don't see their error in the judgment they hold in theirs hearts when folks don't listen. That judgment exists there because (1) their MOTIVE is wrong ("Listen to ME; I know the TRUTH!"); and (2) the uncleanNess of their own hearts.

Again, this is for those who might wonder why (and how) we (should) even bother: love... and obedience. Not self-righteousness and judgment.

I hope that helps... and peace to you ALL!

YSSFS of Christ,


Author:  OUTLAW [ Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

He says I have broken his trust? He has now blocked email contact.....Loz

You informed him the WBT$ has its own real estate business,with its own sales team??!!..
Oh the horror!!..
How will he ever survive??!!..You`ve scarred him for life..LOL!!..
That`s just WatchTarded!!..

Maybe send him a note with a present..

Dear Son..
I`m sorry I told you the WBT$ has its own real estate business,with its own sales team..
Before you were old enough to be able to hear something like that..
Even though they are advertising it and it`s public knowledge..
You must be absolutely traumatized..
I`ve sent you some nice Pajamas for a boy your age..
I hope they comfort you..

Love Mom..


Author:  s-Kally [ Sun Dec 06, 2015 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...


Author:  Loz [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

If it wasn't so tragic it would indeed be hilarious that adults aren't able/allowed to read public information without guilt or fear. Disgraceful that the organisation wields such power.

I'm resolved that I did the right thing with the best intent. Thank you for your post Shelby which I agree with wholeheartedly. Yes, let's hope seeds are being planted that will grow in our loved ones.

Peace to all

Loz x

Author:  OUTLAW [ Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ...Watchtower Brooklyn Real Estate Office...

You did your best Loz..
That`s all anyone can do..


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